Do I Need An LLC To Sell On Etsy? Tips For Success In 2024

Do I Need An LLC To Sell On Etsy
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When starting a new business, one of the crucial decisions you will have to make is the type of business structure to choose. 

One popular option is the Limited Liability Company (LLC). This type of business structure offers personal liability protection to owners, making it an attractive choice for entrepreneurs. 

Etsy is a popular online marketplace where individuals can sell handmade, vintage, and unique items. As a seller on Etsy, you may wonder, “do I need an LLC to sell on Etsy?”

In this blog post, we will explore whether or not you need to form a Limited Liability Company to operate your Etsy business.

What Is An LLC?

what is an llc

Here we’ll review an LLC, its purpose, benefits, and how to form one. 

Definition And Purpose

Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a type of business structure that provides personal liability protection to the owners, referred to as members. 

An LLC is created by filing legal documents with the state and is governed by operating agreements. 

The purpose of forming an LLC is to separate personal and business assets and to protect the members from personal liability in case of business-related lawsuits or debts.

Benefits Of An LLC

One of the benefits of forming an LLC is that it offers flexibility in terms of management structure and tax options. 

Members can choose to manage the company themselves or appoint a manager, and the LLC can be taxed as a pass-through entity or corporation. 

Additionally, an LLC allows for sharing of profits and losses among the members, providing more credibility to the business, which can help obtain financing or attract customers.

But the most critical aspect of forming an LLC is that it lowers the financial risks to its owners. Owners can limit financial losses from a lawsuit or other circumstances to the company’s funds only. The owners’ personal assets are protected. hosting banner

How To Form An LLC

To form an LLC, one must choose a name that complies with state laws and is not already used by another business. 

Next, the Articles of Organization must be filed with the state, and an operating agreement must be drafted and signed by all members. 

Some states also require annual filings and fees.

Some companies, such as Bizee (formerly Incfile), help entrepreneurs form LLCs and keep up with legal and organizational requirements in a way that has many benefits.

If you’re looking for a convenient, affordable way to form an LLC, read our Bizee Review (Incfile): Pros, Cons & 7 Best Features.

Pros And Cons Of Forming An LLC For Selling On Etsy

For selling on Etsy, forming an LLC can provide liability protection for the business owner. However, there are both pros and cons to consider. 


Limited liability protection
Flexibility in management and tax options
Increased credibility


Higher formation and maintenance costs
Additional paperwork and record-keeping requirements
Potential difficulty in obtaining financing due to the structure of the LLC

Do You Need An LLC To Sell On Etsy?

woman etsy seller making handmade goods

One question that often arises for Etsy sellers is whether or not they need to form an LLC to sell on the platform. 

The short answer is NO. Forming an LLC is not a requirement to sell on Etsy. 

However, there are some important considerations.

Etsy’s Seller Policies

Etsy’s seller policies do not require sellers to have an LLC, but they do require sellers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. 

This means that if an LLC is required in your state for your type of business, you must form one.

Additionally, if you choose to form an LLC, you must ensure that your Etsy shop policies and branding align with the LLC’s legal name.

Tax Requirements

Tax requirements are another consideration for Etsy sellers. 

Regardless of whether or not you have an LLC, you are required to report your income from Etsy sales on your personal tax return. 

If you form an LLC, you may have more flexibility in structuring your business and paying taxes. Still, it is important to consult with a tax professional to determine the best option for your specific situation.

Liability Considerations

Finally, you should also take into account liability considerations.

Without an LLC, a seller’s personal assets may be at risk in the event of a business-related lawsuit or debt. 

However, forming an LLC does not guarantee complete protection, and it is crucial to maintain proper record-keeping and follow all applicable laws and regulations to minimize risk.

In summary, while forming an LLC is not a requirement to sell on Etsy, it may offer certain benefits in terms of liability protection and tax flexibility.

It is essential to weigh the costs and benefits carefully and consult with professionals (like Bizee) to determine the best course of action for your business needs.

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When Should You Consider Forming An LLC?

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) offers owners personal liability protection, separating personal assets from business debts or legal claims. 

As a result, forming an LLC can be a smart move for certain types of businesses. Here are some factors to consider when deciding if forming an LLC is right for your business:

Revenue Considerations

Revenue considerations are a key factor when considering forming an LLC. 

If your business generates significant revenue, forming an LLC may provide tax advantages and help you manage your finances more effectively. 

As your revenue grows, so does the potential risk of business-related lawsuits or debts, making an LLC an even more attractive option.

Personal Assets At Risk

‘Personal assets at risk’ is another important consideration. 

If you own a business without an LLC, your personal assets, such as your home or car, may be at risk in the event of a business-related lawsuit or debt

An LLC provides personal liability protection, which means that only the assets owned by the business are at risk in such situations.

Professional Liability Concerns

Professional liability concerns are also a reason to consider forming an LLC. 

Professionals who provide services or advice, such as doctors, lawyers, and accountants, may risk personal liability for malpractice or negligence claims. An LLC can help shield personal assets from such claims.

Professional liability concerns do not apply directly to Etsy shop owners. They might play a role if you sell goods that pose a risk, like food. Etsy has its own policies for issues like that.

So, that can be a factor when deciding what to sell on Etsy. And many new and successful Etsy sellers use SEO tools like Everbee and eRank to make that important decision.

Do Sellers On Etsy Need An LLC – FAQs

Do You Need A Business License To Sell On Etsy? +

Generally, No. But it depends on your state and the goods you sell.

Do You Need An LLC To Sell Online? +

No. (Depends on the state).

Do You Have To Have An LLC To Sell On Etsy Or Shopify? +


Is Selling On Etsy Considered A Business? +

Yes. But there are a few ways to go about it when filling out a tax return. (Consult a professional).

Do You Need A Tax ID To Sell On Etsy? +

It depends on your state. But generally, your SSN is considered a tax ID. If you decide to form an LLC, you will also apply for EIN (it is like an SSN for employers; applying for it is simple. And services like Bizee make the process even more frictionless).

Do I Have To Declare My Etsy Shop As A Business? +

Yes, if it makes a profit, even if you don’t have an LLC.

Does My Etsy Shop Name Have To Be The Same As My LLC Name? Do I Need A DBA To Sell On Etsy? +

No. But if it is different, you may need to register a “doing business as” (DBA).


Forming an LLC is not required to sell on Etsy. However, there are benefits to forming an LLC, including personal asset protection and tax benefits. 

Ultimately, whether or not you should form an LLC depends on a variety of factors, including your revenue, personal assets, and professional liability concerns. If your business generates significant revenue, if personal assets are at risk, or if you provide professional services, consider an LLC. 

As with any business decision, it is crucial to weigh the costs and benefits and consult with professionals like Bizee to determine the best course of action for your business needs.

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  • Andrian Dimm

    After experiencing success in establishing and growing online businesses across multiple platforms, Andrian and Lilian Dimm embarked on a new endeavor: launching a blog and resource website aimed at empowering aspiring entrepreneurs in their journey to start their own ventures. Read more about the team on our About Us page.

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