How Do I Find Best Sellers On Etsy? Tips For Success In 2024

how do i find best sellers on etsy
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Etsy is an online marketplace for buying and selling unique handmade, vintage, and craft items. As a seller or a buyer, you may wonder, “How do I find best sellers on Etsy, or who is the top seller on Etsy.” 

In this blog post, we will explore some tips for discovering the best sellers on Etsy and learn about the top earners on the platform. Additionally, we will look at how much people usually make on Etsy.

What Is Etsy?

handmade items to sell on etsy woman

Etsy is a popular online marketplace that provides a platform for artisans, crafters, and vintage collectors to sell their handmade or unique items. 

It was founded in 2005 and has grown into a global community with over 4.4 million active sellers and 90 million active buyers. 

Etsy offers a wide range of products, from jewelry and clothing to home decor and furniture.

Why Finding The Top Sellers And Items Is Important?

One of the keys to success on Etsy is to find the best-selling items and sellers. This can help you determine what products are in demand and what trends are popular. 

By identifying the top sellers in your niche, whether top digital sellers on Etsy or Etsy best selling crafts, you can gain valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t and learn from their strategies and techniques.

Moreover, by finding the best-selling items, you can ensure that you offer products that people are interested in and, thus, increase your chances of making sales. You can also use this information to optimize your listings and improve your marketing efforts.

In short, understanding the importance of finding the best-selling items and sellers on Etsy can help you stay competitive and increase your chances of success on the platform.

Read about SEO optimizing tool for Etsy called EverBee.

How To See What Sells On Etsy

The following strategies can help you find Etsy best selling items in order to optimize your own listings, improve your marketing efforts, and ultimately increase your chances of success on the platform.

Use Etsy’s “Best Selling Items” And “Trending Now” Categories

You can use several strategies to find the best-selling items on Etsy. The first is to use Etsy’s built-in “Best Selling Items” and “Trending Now” categories. 

These categories can be found on the Etsy homepage and showcase the currently popular products. You can use these categories to identify trends and find high-demand products.

Use Third-Party Tools

Another option is to use third-party tools like EverBee, eRank, Alura, and EtsyHunt

These tools provide data and analytics on Etsy products and sellers, helping you identify the best-selling items and the most successful sellers in your niche. 

With these tools, you can analyze keywords, tags, and other important metrics that can help you optimize your listings and improve your chances of success.

Analyze Competitors

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Finally, it is vital to analyze your competitors. By researching the top sellers in your niche, you can gain valuable insights into their strategies and techniques. 

That can help you identify what works and what doesn’t and can also help you find new opportunities for growth and innovation, or get your first sales on Etsy.

How Do I Find Best Sellers On Etsy?

If you are looking to find the best sellers on Etsy, there are several strategies you can use to identify the top-performing sellers and products on the platform. 

Search Bar

One of the simplest and most straightforward ways to find top sellers is to use the search bar on Etsy. 

You can enter relevant keywords or phrases related to your interests or niche and browse the top results to see which sellers perform well.

Results at the top will generally be the most successful shops with the most authority in the product niche you searched for.

Categories And Filters

Another way to find top sellers is to use Etsy’s built-in categories and filters. 

You can use the categories and filters to narrow down your search and find specific types of products or sellers. 

For example, if you are interested in handmade jewelry, you can use the jewelry category and filter the results to show only the top-rated or most popular sellers.

Editor’s Picks And Trending Items

Etsy also features Editor’s Picks and Trending Items on its homepage. 

These sections showcase the most popular and innovative products and sellers on the platform. 

By browsing these sections, you can gain insights into the latest trends and discover new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Social Media

Finally, social media can also be a valuable tool for finding top sellers on Etsy. 

Many Etsy sellers use social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest to showcase their products and promote their brands. 

By following popular Etsy sellers on social media, you can stay up-to-date with their latest products and strategies and learn from their success.

How To Find Top Sellers On Etsy Using Tools Like EverBee And eRank

Finding and identifying the best sellers on Etsy is easy with tools like EverBee, eRank, Alura, and EtsyHunt

To find top Etsy sellers using these tools, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Go to their websites, sign up for a free account, and log in. Depending on the app, you might need to download a Chrome extension. (All of the tools above you can try for free.)
  2. Once you are logged in, click on the search tab that you want to explore on the top menu. It can be a category, keyword, or other metrics.
  3. Click the shop’s name or the keywords related to the product you are interested in.
  4. Select the relevant filters, such as location, category, and tags.
  5. Click “Analyze” to get a list of the top shops matching your criteria.
  6. You can sort the results by different metrics such as sales, views, and favorites to find the top-performing shops.
  7. You can also click on each shop for more detailed information, such as revenue, reviews, and social media metrics.

Using Etsy SEO tools can help you find successful shops on Etsy and learn from their strategies to improve your own shop’s performance.

Using these tools, you can find the answers to questions like:

  • What printables sell best on Etsy?
  • Where are most of buyers on Etsy?
  • What is the easiest thing to sell on Etsy?
  • What is the best number of items to have in Etsy shop?
  • What are the top sellers on Etsy?
  • How do you find out what is trending on Etsy?
  • What is the number one thing bought on Etsy?
  • What is the most profitable item sold on Etsy?

If you use EtsyHunt you can access the top 100 Etsy sellers and top 500 Etsy sellers lists: 

etsyhunt top 500 etsy sellers

By doing the above, you can identify the top-performing sellers and products on the platform and gain valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t. 

These insights can help you optimize your own listings, improve your marketing efforts, and increase your chances of success on Etsy.

Who Is The Top Seller On Etsy?

While there is no single “top seller” on Etsy, many successful sellers have established themselves as leaders in their respective niches. 

These top sellers have developed successful business strategies and built loyal customer bases, often with the help of marketing tactics such as social media and email marketing.

How To Identify Top Sellers On Etsy

You can look for several key indicators to identify top sellers on Etsy. One of the most important metrics is sales volume, which can give you an idea of how popular a seller’s products are. 

You can also look at factors such as customer reviews, ratings, and feedback, which can provide insights into a seller’s reputation and customer service.

Examples Of Top Sellers On Etsy

Many top sellers on Etsy also focus on specific niches, which allows them to differentiate themselves from competitors and develop a loyal customer base.

Some examples of top sellers on Etsy include The Velvet Acorn, which offers handmade knitwear for adults and children and has sold hundreds of thousands of items on the platform. 

Another example of a top seller on Etsy in the handmade jewelry niche is MinimalVS, which has sold over 300,000 items on the platform. MinimalVS focuses on minimalist, dainty jewelry designs and has established a strong brand identity around this aesthetic. 

By specializing in this niche, MinimalVS has been able to differentiate from other jewelry sellers on Etsy and build a dedicated following.

These sellers have established themselves as leaders in their respective niches and have built successful businesses through hard work and dedication.

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How Much Do People Usually Make On Etsy?

The amount of money sellers can earn on Etsy varies widely depending on several factors. 

According to a report from Etsy, the average earnings for sellers in 2019 was roughly $4,000 annually. However, top Etsy sellers revenue may be significantly higher than this, while others may earn less.

(In more recent years, there may be a decline in the average earnings of Etsy sellers due to COVID and economic factors.)

Calculating how much people usually make on Etsy is difficult. New sellers are constantly coming to the platform. And newbies typically earn less than average because they are only starting.

Overall, the amount of money a seller can make on Etsy varies greatly and ultimately depends on individual factors. While some people make a steady $50 per month, others make a full-time income and quit their jobs to sell on Etsy. 

Factors That Affect Etsy Income

Several factors can affect earnings on Etsy. For example, the quality of the product, pricing strategy, marketing efforts, and competition can all impact how much a seller can earn. 

Sellers who have a well-established brand and loyal customer base may be able to command higher prices and earn more than new sellers who are just starting out. hosting banner

Tips To Increase Earnings

In order to increase earnings on Etsy, there are several tips that sellers can follow. 

First, developing a high-quality product that stands out from competitors is important. This can involve using high-quality materials for their handmade items to sell on Etsy, paying attention to detail, and creating unique designs that appeal to a specific audience.

In addition, pricing strategies can play a significant role in earnings. Sellers should consider their costs and overhead expenses when pricing their products, but they should also be aware of what their target audience is willing to pay. Experimenting with different price points and monitoring sales can help sellers find the sweet spot for pricing.

Finally, effective marketing strategies can also help sellers increase their earnings on Etsy. This can involve utilizing social media platforms, optimizing listings for search engines using tools like EverBee, eRank, Alura, and EtsyHunt, and offering promotions or discounts to attract new customers.


Finding the best-selling items and top sellers on Etsy can be achieved through various strategies, including utilizing Etsy’s “Bestseller” and “Trending” categories, third-party tools, analyzing competitors, and using the search bar, categories, and filters to find top sellers.

Finding the best sellers on Etsy can be a great way to discover unique and high-quality products, and learning about the top earners can provide valuable insights for sellers. 

While earnings on Etsy can vary, there are ways to increase your chances of success. Etsy income can vary greatly depending on factors such as product quality, pricing strategy, marketing efforts, and competition. 

Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned seller, Etsy offers a vibrant community with plenty of opportunities.

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  • Andrian Dimm

    After experiencing success in establishing and growing online businesses across multiple platforms, Andrian and Lilian Dimm embarked on a new endeavor: launching a blog and resource website aimed at empowering aspiring entrepreneurs in their journey to start their own ventures. Read more about the team on our About Us page.

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