Etsy Fee Calculator

Revenue: 0.00
Taxes: 0.00
Listing Fee: $0.20
Payment Fee: 0.00
Transaction Fee: 0.00
Total Fees: 0.00
Ads: 0.00
Marketing: 0.00
Total Costs: 0.00
Profit: 0.00
Profit Margin: 0%
etsy fee calculator spreadsheet

How To Use Our Free Etsy Fee Calculator

To determine your selling costs on Etsy, input your item and shipping prices into the Etsy Fee Calculator.

Choose your payment method, and the Etsy fee and profit calculator will instantly compute your Etsy fees, providing a quick and accurate overview of your selling expenses.

Additionally, include any relevant taxes, optional personalization fees, and marketing costs to ensure a comprehensive calculation of your overall selling expenses on Etsy.

How Much Does Etsy Charge for Each Sale?

Etsy has a straightforward fee structure. They charge $0.20 for each listing plus 6.5% of the total payment you receive, including the shipping cost if any. If you use “Etsy Direct Checkout,” there’s an extra 3% fee along with a $0.25 charge.

What Kinds of Fees does Etsy Have?

Etsy charges different types of fees:

  1. Listing Fees: When you put up an item for sale, there’s a $0.20 listing fee, lasting for four months or until the item sells. You can renew the listing for an additional $0.20 if needed.

  2. Transaction Fees: For each sale, Etsy takes a 6.5% fee based on the total price you charge, covering the item, shipping, customization, and gift wrapping.

  3. Payment Processing Fees: If you’re a US seller, you have two payment options—Etsy Payments and PayPal. Etsy Payments charges 3% plus $0.25 for each transaction. For U.S. sellers using PayPal payments, the transaction fee is typically 2.99% of the transaction amount. If credit card verification is required, an extra $0.30 fixed fee is applied.

  4. Advertising Fees: Etsy offers two advertising options—Etsy Ads and Offsite Ads.

    • Etsy Ads: This is optional, working on a pay-per-click model. Costs vary based on keywords, and you can set a daily budget to control your spending.

    • Offsite Ads: Sellers are automatically enrolled, but if your revenue is under $10,000 annually, you can opt out. For those earning more, it’s mandatory. Fees range from 15% to 12% of sales generated through the Offsite Ads program, depending on your revenue in the last 365 days.

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Q & A

  • How much does Etsy take from a $100 sale? For a $100 sale, Etsy charges a $0.20 listing fee, a 6.5% transaction fee ($6.50), and a 3% plus $0.25 ($3.25) payment processing fee for Etsy Direct Checkout. The total fee would be $9.95.

  • How do you calculate Etsy fees? Etsy fees are calculated by combining a $0.20 listing fee, a 6.5% transaction fee (applied to the total price, including shipping), and a 3% plus $0.25 payment processing fee for Etsy Direct Checkout. Optional advertising fees apply if using Etsy Ads or Offsite Ads.

  • How much are the fees on Etsy? Etsy fees include a $0.20 listing fee, a 6.5% transaction fee, and a 3% plus $0.25 payment processing fee for Etsy Direct Checkout. Additional advertising fees may apply if using Etsy Ads or Offsite Ads.

  • How much does Etsy charge to sell in 2023? In 2023, Etsy charges a $0.20 listing fee, a 6.5% transaction fee, and a 3% plus $0.25 payment processing fee for Etsy Direct Checkout. Additional fees may apply for advertising if using Etsy Ads or Offsite Ads.

  • What percentage does Etsy take per sale? Etsy takes a percentage per sale, including a 6.5% transaction fee and a 3% plus $0.25 payment processing fee for Etsy Direct Checkout.

  • How much does Etsy take from a $10 sale? For a $10 sale, Etsy charges a $0.20 listing fee, a $0.65 transaction fee, and a 3% plus $0.25 payment processing fee for Etsy Direct Checkout. The total fees amount to $1.40.

  • Does Etsy charge 20 cents for every sale? Etsy charges a $0.20 listing fee for each item listed, and additional fees, such as transaction and payment processing fees, apply based on the sale amount.

  • Why is Etsy holding 75% of my money? Etsy may be holding a portion of your funds for reasons like pending orders, refunds, or processing times. It’s advisable to review your Etsy account for specific details or contact Etsy support for assistance.